►The Financial world has developed a special investment based language to help describe the stock market, investments, securities for the stock market, stock market analysis, and its conditions. Often at times one is confronted with a term which is totally alien to them, or has a completely different meaning from what one thought. ✦
► We’ve segregated a comprehensive list of trading vocabulary in this App.
【Few Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
⇢ Abandoned Baby
⇢ Above the Market
⇢ Absolute Breadth Index
⇢ Absolute Price Oscillator (APO)
⇢ Accredited Investor
⇢ Accrued Interest
⇢ Accumulation
⇢ Accumulation Distribution Line
⇢ AD Line
⇢ Advance Decline Line
⇢ Advance Decline Ratio
⇢ Advancing
⇢ Advancing Declining Issues
⇢ Adverse Excursion
⇢ After Hours
⇢ Against Actuals
⇢ Aggregate Exercise Price
⇢ Agricultural Commodities Index ($GKX)
⇢ All or None
⇢ Alpha
⇢ American Depository Receipt (ADR)
⇢ AMEX Composite Index ($XAX)
⇢ Amex Index Options
⇢ Amortization
⇢ Analysis of Variance
⇢ Analyst
⇢ Andrews' Pitchfork
⇢ Announcement Date
⇢ Annual Report
⇢ Annualized
⇢ Arbitrage
⇢ Area Pattern
⇢ Arithmetic (Linear) Scaling
⇢ Arms Index (TRIN)
⇢ Aroon
⇢ Aroon Oscillator
⇢ Ascending Trend Channel
⇢ Ascending Triangle
⇢ Ask
⇢ Assets
⇢ At the Money
⇢ Average Directional Index (ADX)
⇢ Average True Range (ATR)